

Ingrid's best-selling classic and a good starting point is "Energized Angel Symbols". Apart from that her practical handbook "Spiritual Essences" has now been published as a special US edition. The set “Angel Symbols for Children” is especially for the work with children or the inner child. It contains a guidebook and 21 angel symbol cards. The "Angel Combi Symbols" speak an extremely clear language when it is about detecting the causes and blockages of physical, energetic, emotional and mental imbalances to lead them to a subtle-spiritual transformation.


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Ingrid's long-time bestseller "Energized Angel Symbols" is now available as eBook as well. The book "Spiritual Essences" is available as an eBook through Amazon. Within this booklet you will find only those Aura Essences that are currently available in the U.S. Furthermore you can get a free eBook called, "How Angels Work".


Contact for orders or more information.